At 1300, June 12, 1997, the formal signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for Employment of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary in support of the Coast Guard's National Recreational Boating Safety Program. Left to right Standing: CDR Ron Walters Asst Chief, Auxiliary Operations Division (G-OCX-2) Mr. John Malatak Chief, Program Development and Implementation Division (G-OPB-2) Mr. Al Marmo Chief, Program Management Division (G-OPB-1) CDR Tom Martin Chief, Auxiliary Operations Division (G-OCX-2) SITTING Left to Right CAPT Tony Stimatz Chief, Office of Boating Safety (G-OPB) COMO Ralph Oberlander, USCG Auxiliary NAVCO-RBS RADM James Hull, USCG Director of Operations Policy (G-OP) CAPT Al Summy Chief Director, Office of Auxiliary (G-OCX)
Through mutual participation and commitment, expand the involvement of the Coast Guard Auxiliary in a dynamic "Team Coast Guard" approach which actively engages Auxiliarists as full partners in aggressively supporting the Coast Guard’s National Recreational Boating Safety Program.
The mission of the Coast Guard’s Recreational Boating Safety (RBS) Program is to minimize the loss of life, personal injury, property damage and environmental impact associated with the use of recreational boats, through preventive means, in order to provide safe use and enjoyment of the U. S. waterways by the public. The mission to reduce recreational boat fatalities is one of the Coast Guard’s strategic goals outlined in its agreement with the Department of Transportation under the auspices of the Government Performance and Results Act Performance Plan.
USCG Office Of Boating Safety (G-OPB)
Program Goals
The goals of the Recreational Boating Safety (RBS) Program administered by the Office of Boating Safety (G-OPB) include:
- Improve the demonstrated knowledge, skills, abilities, and behavior of boaters;
- Improve the safety of boats and their associated equipment;
- Improve the physical and operational boating environment;
- Improve intermodal and interagency cooperation, coordination and assistance.
Program Functions
Under the direction and supervision of the Assistant Commandant for Operations (G-O) and Director of Operations Policy (G-OP), the Chief, Office of Boating Safety shall:
1. Act as Program Manager for the Recreational Boating Safety Program to fulfill the National Coordinator responsibilities defined by the Federal Boat Safety Act of 1971, as amended. The role of the National Recreational Boating Safety Program Coordinator requires that person to:
A. (G-OPB-1, -2, 3) - Maintain liaison with appropriate international, Federal national, State, and local government agencies; the boating public, boating industry and boating organizations, technical and standards societies; and centers of education, research and learning to support program objectives.
B. (G-OPB-2) - Administer Federal recreational boating safety financial assistance grants to States.
C. (G-OPB-1) - Administer the national non-profit public service organization grant program.
D. (G-OPB-2) - Promote uniformity, comity, and reciprocity in boating laws and regulations among the several States and the Federal government as mandated by the Federal Boat Safety Act.
E. (G-OPB-2) - Monitor agreements between the Coast Guard and the States for the promotion of recreational boating safety.
F. (G-OPB-1) - Ensure State participation in the national marine casualty reporting system, and timely fulfillment of the statutory requirement to collect, analyze and publish boating statistics.
G. (G-OPB-1) - Provide an Executive Director and the necessary administrative support to coordinate the efforts of the National Boating Safety Advisory Council.
H. (G-OPB-2) - Oversee the national boating safety promotion and awareness program and coordinate all recreational boater outreach and awareness campaigns.
I. (G-OPB-2) - Oversee the national recreational boating safety education program. This office shall establish the recreational boating educational standards.
J. (G-OPB-3) - Administer the recreational boating product assurance program to include the development of standards and regulations for boats and associated equipment , coordination of the recreational boat manufacturer compliance program, and maintenance of the defect notification process.
Effectiveness Measurement
As part of its effort to meet Government Performance and Results Plan goals, the RBS Program has based its Measurement of Effectiveness on incidents of fatality, injury, collision, allision, or cost per hour of passenger exposure.
Auxiliary Directorate of Recreational Boating Safety
The Coast Guard Auxiliary has changed its national organization to reflect the streamlining of the Coast Guard. Under the leadership of the National Vice Commodore, Chief , Recreational Boating Safety Directorate, three departments were formed; the Departments of Boating, Education and Vessel Examination. With the passage of the Auxiliary Act of 1996, the Auxiliary has the ability to perform any mission authorized by the Commandant with the exception of direct law enforcement and military duty. The Auxiliary Directorate of Recreational Boating Safety can act as a significant force multiplier to support the administrative and operational needs of the Coast Guard Recreational Boating Safety Program. The RBS Directorate will conform to the same four goals and measurements outlined under (G-OPB). The Directorate has the ability to provide both liaison and customer education for other Coast Guard Directorates when requested and authorized. State Liaison for the Auxiliary Directorate of Coast Guard/State Support will be provided by the RBS Directorate.
Under the program guidance of the Office of Boating Safety, the Auxiliary Directorate of Recreational Boating Safety shall provide the following:
Direct Functions In Support of RBS Program
Boating (DC-B) - The primary mission of the Department of Boating is to provide liaison with State Boating Law Administrators and other boating safety organizations; i.e. state, federal, and public sector. The mission will be enhanced by assisting Coast Guard active duty units, Auxiliary national departments, and Auxiliary districts in their efforts to promote and support recreational boating safety programs. Statistics and analysis from existing and new studies will be provided to focus the efforts of various Coast Guard and Auxiliary programs.
Education (DC-E) - The primary missions of the Department of Education are to increase the demonstrated knowledge, skills, and abilities of the boating public and to effect positive behavioral changes which reduce the incidence of recreational boating fatalities, injuries, collisions, and allisions. This mission is accomplished by teaching boating safety and related courses to various segments of the boating public (e.g., power boaters, sailboat operators, users of personal watercraft (PWC), youth, and other boaters, including hunters and fisherman). These courses are designed, written, and produced by the Department of Education and presented by the Auxiliary membership.
Vessel Examination (DC-V) - The primary mission of the Department of Vessel Examination is to develop, coordinate and carry out the Courtesy Marine Examination (CME) program for recreational boats as a direct outreach effort of trained examiners to increase the knowledge of boaters about carriage requirements, equipment usage, environmental protection as well as overall recreational boating safety. Also, broaden the core Marine Dealer Visitation (MDV) mission into a Marine Industry Partnership (MIP) that include liveries, dealers, marinas, manufacturers, plus boaters themselves and state boating agencies.
Effectiveness Measurement
Support to G-OPB should be timely and responsive. Each specific project carried out by the Directorate of Recreational Boating Safety pursuant to this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) shall have a brief project summary drafted, with specific deliverables, their timing, and an estimate of associated costs to G-OPB. G-OPB will review these projects and authorize or modify them as appropriate. Program effectiveness is measured in terms of annual G-OPB assessments of the quality of the deliverables, effectiveness of the working relationship, and compliance with the agreed-upon schedule(s) and cost estimates.
The Chief Director, Auxiliary has overall funding responsibility for the administrative management and basic organizational support of the Auxiliary program to include overall policy development, maintenance of administrative and IRM functions, new member acquisition, and basic organizational support and entry level training for the Auxiliary. The benefiting Program Manager and/or its district counterpart is expected to provide additional incremental funding for program specific administrative, operational, and training requirements.
The Director of Operations Policy, the Chief, Office of Auxiliary, the Chief, Office of Boating Safety, and the National Vice Commodore - Recreational Boating Safety Directorate hereby establish this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and the attached Addenda which institutionalizes Auxiliary involvement in the Coast Guard’s National Recreational Boating Safety Program. The Chief, Program Development and Implementation Division (G-OPB-2), the Chief, Auxiliary Administration Division (G-OCX-1) and the Chief, Auxiliary Operations Division (G-OCX-2) are designated action officers for the purposes of coordinating and implementing this MOU and the attached addenda. The addenda establish a dynamic framework by which both programs identify joint macro level objectives and identify priorities and responsibilities for achieving the objectives. Action officers shall treat the addenda as living documents, reviewing and updating them to reflect changing priorities and initiatives. The addenda are binding elements joining program resources and supporting agencies in actions to improve safety and navigation on the nation’s waterways. Action officers shall jointly identify and set addenda action priorities. Action officers shall maintain an up-to-date copy of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and the attached Addenda for reference and review. Action officers shall keep office/division chiefs and appropriate Auxiliary and Recreational Boating Safety Program offices advised of progress.
This memorandum of understanding will remain in effect, and will be reviewed every year, unless canceled in writing by either party. The addendum to this MOU are designed to allow modification, as needed, without affecting the basic tenet of the primary document.
R. L. Oberlander
National Vice Commodore, USCGAUX
Chief, Recreational Boating Safety Directorate
J. D. Hull
Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard
Director of Operations Policy
A. D. Summy
Captain, U. S. Coast Guard
Chief, Office of Auxiliary
G-OPB J. A. Stimatz
Captain, U. S. Coast Guard
Chief, Office of Boating Safety
Addenum #1
Department of Boating (DC-B)
Under the direction and supervision of the National Vice Commodore-Recreational Boating Safety (NAVCO-RBS), the Chief, Department of Boating (DC-B), provides support to the Office of Boating Safety (G-OPB) as follows:
1. When directed, represent the Recreational Boating Safety Program. a. Act as liaison to the Auxiliary Department of Public Affairs for G-OPB/DC-A pertaining to the related activities of the annual National Safe Boating Campaign and National Safe Boating Week. 2. Upon request, assist with program data requirements, collection, analysis and dissemination. a. Assist in data collection: 1. Conduct surveys and observations/data recording. 2. Provide statistical expertise in survey design. b. Analyze data and present results. c. Perform studies. d. Review existing reports and studies for accuracy, lessons learned, applicability to national programs. e. Promote reporting of boating accidents. 3. Assist (G-OPB) with development and implementation of a program to provide recreational boating information to Coast Guard unit commanders. The program will provide unit commanders with general information about recreational boating safety, Auxiliary capabilities, state and local resources involved with recreational boating safety, and should include boating accident information. 4. Develop, promulgate and maintain a "National Guide to Auxiliary Usage." The Guide will serve as a "cook book," directing external customers on how to obtain information or services from the Auxiliary.
Addenum #2
Department of Education (DC-E)
Under the direction and supervision of the National Vice Commodore-Recreational Boating Safety (NAVCO-RBS), the Chief, Department of Education (DC-E), provides support to G-OPB as follows: 1. Assist G-OPB in the development of educational standards applicable to boating safety classes and other educational outreach efforts. 2. Represent G-OPB at meetings with federal, state, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) when so directed. 3. Serve as beta test facility for educational products and standards developed by G-OPB. 4. Assist in the dissemination of special program materials developed by G-OPB. 5. Provide any other assistance as assigned.
Addenum #3
Department of Vessel Examination (DC-V)
Under the direction and supervision of the National Vice Commodore-Recreational Boating Safety (NAVCO-RBS), the Chief, Department of Vessel Examination (DC-V), provides support to G-OPB as follows: G-OPB-2 1. Handouts for MDV and VE Program. 2. Build Cooperation w/ Dealers, Marinas and Manufacturers. 3. Assist with PWC Boat Livery Dealer Program. 4. Distribute Product Safety information (ancillary items for OPB-3). 5. Support to DC-V/staff to represent Program at select meetings/conferences. 6. Provide VE production/Performance incentive awards. 7. Provide a focal point for consumer response opportunities and survey data collection efforts.
1. Augment factory visits /training of Vessel Examiners for factory visits. 2. Outreach for Marine Dealers, Marinas, & Livery Rental Operators. 3. Visit local small boat shows and local small boat manufacturers. 4. Collect statistics from boat shows/record HIN numbers. 5. Record and analyze CME failure statistics. 6. Investigate new applications for MIC identification. 7. Provide VEs with recall information. 8. Advise VEs of standards changes. 9. VEs report defects or standards violations located in the field for investigation.